
Thursday, August 04, 2011

A rock hard heart


4th day of Ramadhan 1432 Hijriah (2011)

Rocks are such amazing objects. They are among the hardest substances that the earth can produce. Metamorphic rocks like marble and quartzite are so hard and durable, that they are used to build buildings that can last for generations.

In the Quran, the hardness of rocks is associated with the hardness of the heart. Yes, hearts can also metamorphose into becoming hard, even harder than rocks. The hard heart is insensitive towards goodness. The hard heart doesn’t show any compassion whatsoever when being presented with the suffering of others. The hard heart despises kindness and mercy. The hard heart doesn’t respond towards words of Truth.

The reason of the hardening is simple: swaying away from the Truth after having belief, conviction and certainty towards it. And this happens because many people enjoy being rebellious and want to live life according how they want to live it. In this particular case, the children of Israel were shown miracle after miracle by Prophet Musa (peace be upon him). But these miracles that they saw didn’t increase them in faith. Rather, they became more rebellious towards what the Prophet commanded them to do.

Since ancient times, the prophets and messengers that came to humanity instructed the same basic commandments. Worship God (alone), be dutiful and good to parents, kindred, orphans and the poor, speak good words to people and perform prayer and give charity. The people of old rejected the commandments out of rebelliousness, arrogance and disbelief. Thus, their hearts were sealed and hardened, which is the worst tragedy that can befall a human being.

No one is safe from this tragedy. Thus we should continuously work hard to maintain every bit of faith that we have, work hard to tread the path of righteousness, and ask God to put us firm on His path. May He bless us with soft hearts that are full of His remembrance.

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